First Ever Android APP for The Monkees!
January 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under mobile, monkees alert
Monkees.Net Alert Newsletter
OK, i know a lot of Android users were jealous when we released the iPhone App first, but here is your chance – go now to the Android App Market and download the brand new:
Yes if you have any Android mobile device, phone, tablet, laptop, blender or foot massager, you now can download the first ever Monkees App for Android from the Android Market.
Use the Search Term: +monkees
Notice the PLUS SIGN – Android market seems to have a flaw and lists applications by popularity RATHER than making an exact match to what you typed in (!) – so adding the plus sign before Monkees causes an exact match to be forced.

This app has every feature found in our iPhone App including:
- Send Photos direct from your iPhone to us!
- Built-in mp3 player for all music links
- Built-in Video player with tons of videos to watch – updated regularly!
- Share items with your friends on FaceBook and Twitter!
- Search function will find all articles from the past
- Re-size photos to fit the screen
- Read the latest Monkees news as it happens on your mobile device!
- Latest tour dates and schedules easily at hand, create meetings with other fans at the shows you are going to see!
- Live comment on every article
Or PC/Mac users can download it from here to upload to your device:
Please send us your feedback on the new app, let us know how it works for you – what else you want to see in it – this was made for the fans
– please enjoy!
More features to come – stay tuned to this Monkee Channel!
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